Procedures for requesting the publication on Faculty of Economics website

Procedures for requesting the publication on Faculty of Economics website

< Mailing list for requesting the publication on the top page of Faculty of Economics website >

www-request[at] *Please replace [at] with@ 

Request for the publication on “News” and “Events”

If you are a faculty member of our faculty and would like to publish an article to the "News" or "Events" section of the top page, please send your request to the above mailing list with a specific article (draft).
  * Please be sure to clearly specify the last day of the publication.
  As a general rule, "News" articles can be published for a maximum of one year, and "Event" articles can be published until the event date.
  * Please include the event date in the article (draft) for “Events”.

Request for the publication of Faculty Profiles

Computer Services works on the publication of Faculty Profiles on Faculty of Economics website. Please refer to the following page.

< Computer Services website >
Web Hosting Services & Faculty Profiles on Faculty of Economics website別ウィンドウで開く