Message from the Dean

Dean, Graduate School of Economics
We celebrated the 100th anniversary in 2019. In this long history of the Faculty of Economics, we have had a lot of outstanding faculty members and numerous excellent students. History does not end here. We continue to have internationally-renowned faculty members studying with exceptional students.
We offer quite diversified fields of study within the Faculty of Economics. We have three undergraduate departments: Economics, Management, and Finance. As for the Graduate School of Economics, we have Economics, Statistics, Area Studies, and Economic History in the Division of Economics, and Management and Quantitative Finance in the Division of Management. In every field of those, we have outstanding faculty members who engage in frontier research and world-class teaching.
The Faculty of Economics has close contact with society. The Center for International Research on the Japanese Economy (CIRJE) promotes research, with an emphasis on the Japanese economy, by creating an environment that connects Japanese and international researchers. The Center for Advanced Research in Finance (CARF) aims to play a central role in financial research in the Asia Pacific region. The Management Education and Research Center (MERC) is a research and educational unit to facilitate the study of management. The Center for Research and Education in Program Evaluation (CREPE) aims to promote research and policy discussions surrounding what is called Evidence-Based Policy Making or EBPM. The Center for Real Estate Innovation (CREI) is an institution, collaborative with other faculties at the University of Tokyo, that promotes cross-disciplinary academic research centered on real estate. The University of Tokyo Market Design Center (UTMD) engages in research on how we should design the rules of games to achieve desirable goals in society and help implement such market designs. Through the activities of these centers, we want to give back to society the useful knowledge accumulated from our research, and learn more from society to push further the frontier of research.
The Faculty of Economics is determined to continue to contribute to society through our vigorous research and teaching.
April 1, 2023
Dean,Graduate School of Economics