
※ If you have questions after carefully reading our website, please inquire bellow via email.


Contact Information

■Inquiries about Undergraduate Admissions
Website: Undergraduate AdmissionsOpen a new window

■Inquiries about Master/Doctoral Programs in Graduate School of Economics
Website: Admissions Master ProgramsOpen a new window
                   Admissions Doctoral ProgramsOpen a new window
Email: gradinfo[at]

■Inquiries regarding information of scholarship programs provided after the enrollment to Graduate School of Economics
Website: Scholarship ProgramsOpen a new window
Email: advisefs[at]

■Inquiries about certificates issued by Faculty/Graduate School of Economics
Website: CertificateOpen a new window

In recent days, some companies and/or agencies request us to verify and confirm the certificates that our students submitted for matriculation or employment. We are very sorry to tell you that Undergraduate/Graduate Office can NOT disclose any private information about our present or former students to a third party. Even if the student concedes disclosure, we can NOT change this rule. This is a formal rule and is strictly enforced without exception.
Thank you for your understanding.

■Inquiries other than above
Email: shomu.e[at]


Faculty/Graduate School of Economics,
The University of Tokyo,
7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0033 JAPAN