
【Application Notice】 AY2025 JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists DC1 and DC2 (Deadline 5/10)

This information is targeted to UTIPE Master students wishing to advance to our doctoral program. Applications for AY2025 JSPS (Japan Society for Promotion of Science) Research Fellowship for Young Scientist (DC1, DC2) are now open. Applications are accepted only by submission via JSPS Electronic Application System.

If you would like to apply, please read thoroughly the PDF file ”令和7年度採用分 日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC・PD・RPD)の募集について”PDF and follow the instructions.

Unfortunately, throughout the application process, you need to have Japanese proficiency, or have someone who can read and write Japanese well. Office staff cannot support you in the application process. October enrollees are also eligible to apply, but please note that the starting date of DC1/DC2 is always April 1 and always ends in March 31.