
山本准教授が共同企画したシンポジウム「Making Sense of Finance」が3月12日に開催されます。

経済学研究科山本浩司准教授がオランダ、イギリスの研究者と共に、オランダ中央銀行の協力をえて、オンラインシンポジウム「Making Sense of Finance」を開催します。「Financial heritage」をキーワードに、IMFやEuropean Investment Bank出身の政策担当者、公共政策研究者、ジャーナリスト、銀行の実務家を交えて、歴史という縦軸から金融の現在と未来を語る試みです。参加は無料、登録は前日11日までとなっています。奮ってご参加ください。




300 years of sense making
It is more than 300 years ago that the very first international financial crisis emerged: the South Sea Bubble of 1720 that raged through Europe and the world. This crisis generated a wide public debate about the value and threats of the financial sector and the relationship between finance and society thus giving a strong impulse to a long tradition of sense making, i.e. of reflection on the public value of the financial sector. On 12 March 2021 we will further reflect on the dynamic relationship between finance and society.

Join a discussion between different stakeholders
We invite you to join stakeholders from the financial sector, historians of finance, journalists and policy makers to explore pressing questions about the position of the financial sector in society - in the past and the present. The event will include keynote speeches and panel discussions on issues such as the history and nature of trust in the financial sector, the challenges of innovation and internationalization, transparency and accountability, and the need to safeguard financial heritage.

Highlights of the programme:
Keynotes speeches by William Goetzmann (Professor of Finance at Yale School of Management) and Joanne Kellermann (Chair Pension Fund Zorg en Welzijn).

Do you want to join the conference?
Sign up via the registration form.

Registration deadline: 11 March 23.59 pm JST

More information? Take a look at the programme

7.30-11.15 am EST (New York)
1.30-5.15 pm CET (Amsterdam)
9.30-1.15 pm JST (Tokyo)

Online event room, please register in advance (see above).

About the project Banking on Financial Heritage
This conference is part of the NWO-Internationalisation project ‘Banking on Financial Heritage’ that is initiated and coordinated by historians from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Utrecht University, University of Hertfordshire, and University of Tokyo. The aim of the project is to bring researchers from various countries together and build a sustainable network for the history of finance. Read more about the project here: